Breeding Collection

Below are some of our Crested Gecko breeding family. This changes frequently so is always updated as when we add or remove one of our breeders.. We are currently only working with Crested Geckos from the new Caledonian species of geckos, but we do have plans for more species in the near future.

All geckos shown below are not for sale.



Firefly is part of our Tri-Colour project and was produced by Apex predator out of Electra x Whitewalker, when fired up she gives a great illusion of flames and is beautifully contrasty..



This girl from our tri Colour project is Lilly Exotics bred. she has deep orange that extends way up the lats with perfect white reaching the mid point, this girl is a stunner.



Lixue is our Lilly white male produced by Reptile royalty out of Aurelia (lilly exotics) x Yukio (lilly exotics) he has some very good coverage and is plenty drippy..

Lú biān

Lú biān

Lú biān was bred out of firefly and will eventually replace her in our breeding program, she looks very similar but carries better contrast and a fuller pattern, her Dad is Nieve (Elite Cresties).



Nieve is our tri colour male bred by Elite Cresties, his lineage hails from Elite and lazy dragon. His pattern is funky and unusual and we have the perfect female for him.



Nìzhuǎn is our male 100% het Axanthic he joined the family via Jenna at jungle reptiles. we are looking forward to him getting to size to speed up our Axanthic projects.



We added this Red harlequin to the collection to aid our Red Lilly white project. Leaping cresties bred, she has such a deep red when fired which offsets against the creams so well. This girl is no longer owned by us.



Pàomò our newest Super Dalmatian bred by Reptile Royalty and is out of Vulcan(sticky Claw Geckos) x Pinto, he has a mass of ink spots and will spear head our Dalmatian projects.



Sanshi is one our super Dalmatian ink spot geckos, she is no longer in our breeding rotation but is still own by us.



We purchased this Quad stripe boy as he compliments a gecko we produced in 2022. We are hoping to start producing some high quality Quad Stripes with big floppy heads in 2024. Produced by Luke Tanner of Leaping Cresties. He's a big solid boy with massive floppy crests and a lovely calm personality to boot.

Sān bèi

Sān bèi

Sān bèi was picked up from Skincandy geckos and is a stunner, Mum is Scardy Cat Geckos and Dad is Pangea XXX line. She is typical of the Pangea XXX line geckos and we are just finalising her a boy for when she's ready. Future looks bright for her offspring.



Tramonto is no longer in our breeding rotation by we still own her.



This boy was bred here from Calida and Lixue and we have every intention of retiring his father so he can take over the mantle from him. We love his coverage with the perfect balance of White and base colour. We can't wait to start pairing him to some of our females in the coming seasons.



Yìwài was bred in house out of Lixue and Calida, one of those unexpected surprises and he already has some ladies lined up. We can't wait to see what his offspring will look like.



This is our female yellow bred by wild thing exotics in Florida she is 100% het Axanthic. we have some projects in mind for this gecko.



This boy is out of Poloma (Crimson Cresties) x Cotton Candy (Gecko Barracks) Bred by Grace over at Reptile Royalty and is a little stunner. Although no longer owned by us.